Because of the reordering of the data container, the actual “data science” part is pretty
straightforward. If I had kept the dictionary of lists as in the first version, I would have
probably needed many split()
operators to get to the data I want to process.
But now I just need three loops over all keys and one split at the end.
The most time-consuming part of today’s session was to get a pleasing output of the data. Everything
else was just as I have already done in other programming/scripting languages.
I also found out that the initialization of the data container was flawed because of the elif
formating with end=
and sep=
and center
import re
def main():
inputFile = "combat.log"
outputFile = ""
playerName = "foo"
playerServer = "bar"
targetList = []
targetDictionary = {}
spellList = {}
for l in logEvents:
spellList[l] = []
logData = {}
playerID = playerName+"-"+playerServer
inFH = open(inputFile, "rt")
except IOError:
print ("\n\n\tERROR (input): Could not open/find",inputFile,"\n")
print("\n\nParsing file ",inputFile,"...",sep="",end="")
#loop through file and do the parsing
for line in inFH:
if re.match("^\d+",line) and ([0],line) or[1],line)) \
splitLine = line.split(",")
# dirty hack: split at double whitespace
timeStamp, eventName = splitLine[0].split(" ")
# not really necessary, but just for easy reading
targetID = splitLine[5]
targetName = splitLine[6]
spellName = splitLine[10]
damageValue = splitLine[29]
# add to dictionary
if eventName not in logData.keys():
logData[eventName] = {}
if targetID not in logData[eventName].keys():
logData[eventName][targetID] = {}
if spellName not in logData[eventName][targetID].keys():
logData[eventName][targetID][spellName] = []
# get unique spells and targets
if spellName not in spellList[eventName]:
if targetID not in targetList:
# create target ID<->name dictionary
if targetID not in targetDictionary.keys():
targetDictionary[targetID] = targetName
# 1. get average dmg for all spells
for e in logEvents:
print ("Evaluation for event "+e+":\n")
targetLine = ""
targetNameLength = 0
for t in targetList:
targetLine = targetLine+" "+targetDictionary[t]+" |"
if len(targetDictionary[t]) > targetNameLength:
targetNameLength = len(targetDictionary[t])
spellNameLength = getSpellnameLength(spellList[eventName])
space = " " * spellNameLength
print(space+" |"+targetLine)
for s in spellList[e]:
outLine = s.ljust(spellNameLength)+" |"
for t in targetList:
if s in logData[e][t].keys():
outLine = outLine+" "+str(getAverageDmg(logData[e][t][s])).center(targetNameLength)+" |"
outLine = outLine+" "+str(0).center(targetNameLength)+" |"
def getSpellnameLength(data):
length = 0
for d in range(0,len(data)):
if len(data[d]) > length:
length = len(data[d])
return length
def getAverageDmg(data):
totalDamage = 0
for i in range(0,len(data)):
timeStamp,damageValue = data[i]
totalDamage += int(damageValue)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Output to console:
Parsing file combat.log...done
Evaluation for event SPELL_DAMAGE:
| "Training Dummy" | "Training Dummy" | "Training Dummy" |
"Fire Blast" | 6823.0 | 0 | 10097.33 |
"Pyroblast" | 12529.0 | 0 | 20596.0 |
"Living Bomb" | 2009.0 | 2009.0 | 2009.0 |
"Meteor" | 14728.0 | 14728.0 | 14728.0 |
"Fireball" | 9431.0 | 11316.5 | 8210.0 |
"Heed My Call" | 0 | 0 | 4207.0 |
"Scorch" | 0 | 0 | 2561.67 |
"Gutripper" | 0 | 0 | 2971.0 |
"Dragon's Breath" | 0 | 8366.0 | 0 |
"Flamestrike" | 7079.0 | 7079.0 | 7079.0 |
Evaluation for event SPELL_PERIODIC_DAMAGE:
| "Training Dummy" | "Training Dummy" | "Training Dummy" |
"Living Bomb" | 580.0 | 1011.5 | 1011.5 |
"Ignite" | 3115.03 | 2827.86 | 3180.38 |
"Trailing Embers" | 405.87 | 414.55 | 414.55 |
"Meteor Burn" | 1294.25 | 1294.25 | 1294.25 |