
Learning Python: Data Science (Day 5)

20. April 2019 | 2 Minuten zum Lesen

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Today’s update just adds to more evaluations: average per cast and average per spell. Nothing new was learning, or – to put it more positively –: there was nothing that I had to look up.

The tricky part was only to mind the column/line header string-lengths to accomodate for the new “Average” header, if they are shorter. And some small change to the output for the sake of readability.

I will probably end this project for now because I have some ideas more a more scientific project. I’m now rather confident with the basics of Python so that this seems like a reasonable thing to do.

	for e in logEvents:
		print ("Evaluation for event "+e+":\n")
		targetLine = ""
		targetNameLength = getTargetNameLength(targetList,targetDictionary)
		if targetNameLength < len("AVERAGE"):
			targetNameLength = len("AVERAGE")

		for t in targetList:
			targetLine = targetLine+" "+targetDictionary[t].center(targetNameLength)+" |"
		targetLine = targetLine+" "+"AVERAGE".center(targetNameLength)+" |"

		spellNameLength = getSpellnameLength(spellList[e])
		if spellNameLength < len("Average/Cast"):
			spellNameLength = len("Average/Cast")

		space = " " * spellNameLength		

		print(space+" |"+targetLine)
		castAvrgDmg = 0
		targetCount = 0
		for s in spellList[e]:
			outLine = s.rjust(spellNameLength)+" |"
			for t in targetList:
				if t in logData[e].keys():
					if s in logData[e][t].keys():
						outLine = outLine+" "+str(getAverageDmg(logData[e][t][s])).center(targetNameLength)+" |"
						castAvrgDmg += getAverageDmg(logData[e][t][s])
						targetCount += 1
						outLine = outLine+" "+str(0).center(targetNameLength)+" |"
					outLine = outLine+" "+str(0).center(targetNameLength)+" |"
			print(outLine+" "+str(round(castAvrgDmg/targetCount,2)).center(targetNameLength)+" | "+s.ljust(spellNameLength))
			castAvrgDmg = 0
			targetCount = 0
		# get average damage for each target
		outLine = "Average/Cast".rjust(spellNameLength)+" |"
		for t in targetList:
			if t in logData[e].keys():
				avrgDmg = 0
				sourcesCount = 0
				for s in spellList[e]:
					if s in logData[e][t].keys():
						avrgDmg += getAverageDmg(logData[e][t][s])
						sourcesCount += 1
				avrgDmg = 0
				sourcesCount = 1
			outLine = outLine+" "+str(round(avrgDmg/sourcesCount,2)).center(targetNameLength)+" |"



Evaluation for event SPELL_DAMAGE:

                  |   "Alchemist Pitts"    |   "Tidesage Morris"   |   "Ivus the Decayed"   |        AVERAGE         |
     "Fire Blast" |        11825.25        |           0           |        7820.67         |        8655.78         | "Fire Blast"     
"Blazing Barrier" |        2052.33         |           0           |           0            |        1626.16         | "Blazing Barrier"
      "Pyroblast" |        18006.5         |           0           |        14811.5         |        15053.2         | "Pyroblast"      
         "Meteor" |        43235.0         |           0           |        39422.0         |        37384.67        | "Meteor"         
"Dragon's Breath" |         9664.0         |           0           |           0            |         8343.0         | "Dragon's Breath"
         "Scorch" |        4847.25         |           0           |         5222.6         |        3708.99         | "Scorch"         
      "Gutripper" |         2971.0         |         1485.0        |        3045.33         |        2391.47         | "Gutripper"      
    "Living Bomb" |           0            |        1539.25        |           0            |        1539.25         | "Living Bomb"    
   "Heed My Call" |           0            |           0           |         4207.0         |        4248.62         | "Heed My Call"   
       "Fireball" |           0            |           0           |           0            |        9043.86         | "Fireball"       
     Average/Cast |        13228.76        |        1512.12        |        12421.52        |